Friday, July 07, 2006

How To Do Viral Marketing - 2

Viral Marketing Defined

What does a virus have to do with marketing? Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence. Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions.

Off the Internet, viral marketing has been referred to as "word-of-mouth," "creating a buzz," "leveraging the media," "network marketing." But on the Internet, for better or worse, it's called "viral marketing." While others smarter than I have attempted to rename it, to somehow domesticate and tame it, I won't try. The term "viral marketing" has stuck.

How To Do Viral Marketing - 1

The term "viral marketing" is offensive. Call yourself a Viral Marketer and people will take two steps back. I would. "Do they have a vaccine for that yet?" you wonder. A sinister thing, the simple virus is fraught with doom, not quite dead yet not fully alive, it exists in that nether genre somewhere between disaster movies and horror flicks.

But you have to admire the virus. He has a way of living in secrecy until he is so numerous that he wins by sheer weight of numbers. He piggybacks on other hosts and uses their resources to increase his tribe. And in the right environment, he grows exponentially. A virus don't even have to mate -- he just replicates, again and again with geometrically increasing power, doubling with each iteration:


In a few short generations, a virus population can explode.

Apple OS X users' wish list for new version

A lot of MAC fans are longing for new OS X release and they are eagerly suggest features and functions they want to have for new one. Even though it is going to be very soon to be launched they still ask more about it.

A columnlist in just posted his wish list for New Mac OS X Leopard.

mac.column.ted: A "Small" Mac OS X Leopard Wish List

more comment from other user

Authored by: FixMaX on Friday, July 07 2006 @ 09:11 AM PDT
Here is mine:

1. Make column navigation work. Currently, if you try to do it, it simply does
no work. Clicking a folder and then hit a key or a eries of keys does not go to
the appropriate file or folder in column view. It works the first time, but not
the subsequent ones.

2. If you change the name of a file or folder and include dots, the Finder locks
and you cannot edit files or folder names until your force quit Finder or

3. I do not want to see the usless "Recoverd files" folder inside the Trash
every single time that I reboot.

4. Last but not least, make Spotlight to work without previous indexing. Just
to search file and folder names at least. And, please, please, please, do not
require a indexing from scratch every time that you disable/enable Spotlight
or every time that you clone a Mac using the migration assistant. Indexing
500 GB volumes takes 24 h!!!

Officeguns + Officegunners

Don't be too serious about this you might kill someone at the office.



New Translation for Real Estate Ads for Small budget Renters

For any of you just entering into the rental market and can’t spend $2,000 a month please feel free to use my translation guide below:

Cozy = Small
Quaint = Busted
Conveniently Located = On a busy main road tucked in between a halfway house and a bus terminal
Charming = Small & has not been remodeled since the civil war
Has Character = Slightly overpriced and has a bathtub in the Kitchen
Great View = It’s on the third floor and you can’t move anything bigger than a folding chair up the stairs
High Ceilings = Old and the wallpaper looks like a fat girl after Liposuction
When the agent says “one small thing” = There is a old lady on the first floor with 15 small yappy dogs who bite, hump legs and have mange
Pool & Gym = crappy apartment complex and they will raise your rent after the first year
Convenient Non Permit Street Parking = HA! Good luck dipshit
Conveniently Located near a laundry mat = no washer/dryer or hookups
Convenient (Agents love this word) = Not Convenient
Affordable!!! = Wall to wall stained pink carpeted, wood paneled piece of shit!
Garden Level = Basement with tiny windows and you better be an Oompa-Loompa
Great Deal!!! = The landlord is a crack head, a pedophile or both
Anything with *** = ***Don’t Bother***

Thanks for reading folks, if I have helped one person it was worth it.

from Craigslist best